China and Africa’s strengthening friendship and solidarity cooperation for common development

Building Peace and Stability

China and Africa have safeguarded international fairness and justice. 

China and Africa have stood with each other through hard times. China appreciates the firm commitment of African countries to the one-China principle and strong support for China’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. China has also spoken up for Africa at the UN and other multilateral settings, upholding justice and opposing unwarranted interference and unilateral sanctions against Africa. In solidarity and coordination, China and Africa have become a pillar force in defending the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, upholding the purposes of the UN Charter, and advocating multilateralism and international fairness and justice. 

Keeping the focus on development cooperation. 

China and Africa have pushed forward with cooperation on infrastructure, and completed several major projects. All these have lent a strong boost to Africa’s industrialization process. China is making steady progress in implementing all the pledges it made to Africa, despite various difficulties and disturbances. Over three billion has been delivered out of the 10 billion US dollars of credit facilities pledged to African financial institutions, and nearly 2.5 billion US dollars of loans were channeled to Africa’s priority programs. More than two billion of the 10 billion US dollars of trade finance has been allocated, and China’s import of African goods within six months reached 70.6 billion US dollars.

China and Africa have tackled the global food crisis. 

So far this year, China has signed exchange of letters with 12 African countries on zero tariff for 98 percent of their export items to China and provided emergency food assistance to Africa. More African agricultural produce has reached the Chinese market through the green lanes. The first four China-Africa joint centers for modern agro-technology exchange, demonstration and training were launched. Chinese businesses are increasing their investment in Africa’s agricultural sector, growing more grains, and through the initiative of 100 companies in 1,000 villages, helping create jobs, reduce poverty and improve livelihood for the rural households in Africa. 

China and Africa have built a strong shield against COVID-19. 

China has provided 189 million doses of vaccines to 27 African countries. Joint production of vaccines in Africa now has an annual capacity of about 400 million doses. The Africa CDC Headquarters building has topped out and is expected to be completed early next year and concluded upgrading the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital and completed the preliminary procedures for hospitals in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Chad, and Malawi to pair up with Chinese hospitals. China has made 332 appointments of medical personnel to Africa and 1,000 Chinese medical experts in Africa have provided services on 250,000 clinical cases, conducted more than 30,000 operations, treated patients in 4,500 critical cases, and trained 3,600 participants from the local medical and healthcare community. African students taking courses in Chinese colleges are returning to their campuses in China. Fourteen Chinese vocational schools have forged partnerships with 13 African higher education institutions. 

China and Africa have advanced resilient and sustainable development. 

Expanded cooperation on solar, wind and other clean energy sources. A number of key projects, including the Kafue Lower Gorge Power Station in Zambia has entered into operation. A seminar on building Africa’s Great Green Wall has been activated. In countries including Botswana and Burkina Faso, China is carrying out South-South cooperation for addressing climate change. In Seychelles, China is building a low-carbon demonstration zone. In Madagascar and Mozambique, China has supported response to hurricanes, and helped enhance capacity for disaster preparedness and relief.

China and Africa have jointly enhanced regional peace and stability. 

China has put forward the outlook on peace and development in the horn of Africa, appointed its special envoy for the horn of Africa affairs, and supported countries in the region in holding the horn of Africa peace conference. The second China-Africa peace and security forum and a workshop on security in the Gulf of Guinea were successfully held. China has continued to provide military aid to countries in Sahel, the horn of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea, and policing equipment to countries including the Central African Republic and Namibia. All of this has helped boost the capacity of countries in the region for preserving peace and stability with their own strength. 

Upholding sincerity, real results, amity, good faith to enhance solidarity and mutual support. 

China and Africa will continue to follow the principles of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China and Africa will always be partner’s of mutual respect, equality and sincere cooperation. China will firmly support African countries in pursuing development paths and seeking strength through unity. 

With China’s support of the African Union joining the G20. China will work with Africa to carry forward the five principles of peaceful co-existence, practice true multilateralism and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

China keeps its word with real actions, and will continue to take meeting Africa’s needs as the purpose of its cooperation with Africa. China will work with Africa to fully implement the nine programs and advance high-quality belt and road cooperation. China will waive the 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries that had matured by the end of 2021. With support the decision of Tanzania and Zambia to reactivate the Tazara Railway. China will continue to actively support and participate in the construction of major infrastructure in Africa through financing, investment and assistance. China will also continue to increase imports from Africa, support the greater development of Africa’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and expand cooperation in emerging industries such as the digital economy, health, green and low-carbon sectors. 

Under the Global Development Initiative, upgrade of the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund to a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund and further replenish the Fund. China has started developing a pool of global development projects, and welcomes application from African countries with prospective projects. China will also publish a China-Africa action plan on shared development in due course.

To help address food shortage in Africa, the Chinese government has decided to provide, within this year, a new tranche of food assistance to the 17 African countries in need, and will encourage more Chinese firms to invest in agricultural production and processing in Africa to help realize food self-sufficiency.

Importance of Security

China will continue to support and speed up the delivery of military aid to the AU and regional countries, help Africa enhance the capacity for countering terrorism and maintaining stability, and contribute to the early realization of the silencing the guns initiative. China wishes to work with Africa to jointly implement the Global Security Initiative, and will increase its input to the UN Peace and Development Trust Fund and help improve the UN operations for stability and peace in Africa.

China will promote the sound development of international cooperation with Africa. China welcomes continued interest in and support for Africa from the international community. China would also like to carry out trilateral or multi-party cooperation in Africa. What Africa wishes for is a favorable and amicable cooperation environment. What Africa would welcome is mutually beneficial cooperation for the greater well-being of the people, not major-country rivalry for geopolitical gains.

This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the African Union (AU), and Africa will embrace new development opportunities. At this new historical starting point, China and Africa need to stand even closer with each other, press ahead toward common development and rejuvenation, and truly build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.

Fruitful China-Africa cooperation will add fresh impetus to global development, generate positive energy for world stability, and bring new hopes to people around the world. Royal Group Charity Foundation is confident that China-Africa friendship will stand any test of winds and storms. It will continue to be the backbone in South-South cooperation and a fine example in international relations. 

Royal Group Charity Foundation calls for a firm stand in support to help under developed countries.

Royal Group Charity

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